The ever-increasing needs for transport are satisfactorily met by developing railway, land and water transports and rationally organizing concentrated, joint and container transports. The carrying capacity of the railways which constitute the arteries of the country and the pilot of the national economy is increasing. Continuous efforts are directed to extending the electrified railway sections and accelerating the production of electric locomotives, heavy-duty freight cars and railway carriages. And the technical upgrading of railway factories and enterprises is being stepped up in line with the demands of the IT era, and modern means of rail transport, such as alternating-current electric locomotives, are developed and produced in large numbers.
The country is paying due concern to improving its railway networks, stepping up the introduction of heavy-duty and high-speed rails, modernizing railway facilities and equipment, and introduces IT means in this sector.
Development of land transport is stepped up while large modern trucks are put into service; transport capacity is boosted further by organizing transportation work in a scientific way; rapid motor transport is ensured by keeping the road network in perfect order. Since Korea is sea-bound on three sides and has many rivers and streams, water transport is developing as a favourable means of transport. Shipping capacity is raised by building a large number of big, modern vessels. Harbours and ports are expanded or newly built and trade ports renovated. Sea routes are extensively opened up and rivers improved. In addition, efforts are made to develop three-way goods transportation-pipeline, conveyor belt and cableway.
The modernization of communications is well under way. In keeping with the developing global trend and the achievements of modern science and technology, the independent character of communications is further strengthened, their technical equipment improved and their organization and operations are put on a scientific basis. Their inner structure is furnished still better and the forms of service developed to meet the people’s growing demand for communications. With the ceaseless improvement of equipment, the promptness and modernization of communications are being realized on a high level.