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Ulsa(1905) Five-point Treaty is null and void


-The New York Times unveiled-


Recently two articles of the New York Times published on December 13, 1905 were opened to the public to reveal that null and void is “Ulsa(1905) Five-point Treaty” faked by Japan in the early part of the 20th century.

The article says that Korea repudiates treaty and the Emperor of Korea wires to Mr. Hulbert that Japan obtained it by force.

On December 12 Homer B. Hulbert, the special messenger from the Emperor of Korea, is in receipt of a cablegram from Korea in which the Emperor declares that the agreement between Korea and Japan is null and void because it obtained by force, he also declares that he will never sign this agreement in its present form, it tells.

It goes on to say that this is the first genuine word that has been received from Korea giving the real attitude of that Government toward the treacherous act of the Japanese,  for several weeks the Emperor was practically in confinement, and Japan gave out the false statement that an amicable agreement had been made, and the agreement was made under duress and at the point of the sword, but the Emperor has at last succeeded in piercing the cordon of Japanese and getting information to the outer world.



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