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Paradise for Working Class

The heroic Kim Il Sung-Kim Jong Il working class, who have been working hard to crown the 70-day campaign with brilliant successes in the run-up to the 7th Congress of the Workers Party of Korea, mark the May Day significantly.

They lead a worthwhile life as masters of the era and history and greet the 126th May Day come round with great joy and pride.

They are making ardent efforts to build a thriving country with valiant spirit. Their life mirrors the happiness of the DPRKs people who enjoy all blessings under the warm care of the benevolent socialist country.

 In the DPRK, where everything serves the working people, they are leading class of the country who open up the bright future.

The blessed socialist society of the DPRK established and developed by the great persons of Mt. Paektu. Now it is led by supreme leader Kim Jong Un. It provides the equal rights of labor and legal basis for labor life to everybody and guarantees happy living of the people.

For ages, despite they make history, the working masses could not be part of history and they were exploited and oppressed.

President Kim Il Sung set up the working class, who had been speaking means for the greedy exploiting class to line their pockets, as the most valuable masters of history.

He waged anti-Japanese struggle to save the nations destiny and build a new society centered on the popular masses. After Koreas liberation, he set up the toiling people as masters of country and plant.

Noting that the DPRK is a land of working people, Chairman Kim Jong Il, who carried forward the lofty will of the President, bore full responsibility for their fate and took warmly care of their life.

He visited wherever they are working. He visited even the underground cutting face and inspected the workshops regardless of the weather.

Now, supreme leader Kim Jong Un succeeds to the love of the President and the Chairman.

No part of the forest of popular welfare facilities throughout the country is outside the reach of his warm love. He cares for the workers with more than parental affection. When he gives on-the-spot guidance, he always deeply concerned for the workers life even their board and lodging. He is a father to the working people in the DPRK, they noted.

Under the inestimable care of the leaders, the DPRK has turned into a paradise for working class and there workers enjoy themselves over labor.

Only when the south Korean workers are led by supreme leader Kim Jong Un, they could lead a worthwhile life in a genuine paradise of working masses.

To achieve the national reunification under his wise leadership is a unique way to save the nation and people.
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