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Defending the nation through trips to forefront posts

Kim Jong Un Guides KPA Ground, Naval, Air and Anti-Air Forces’ Drill for Landing on Island
Defending the nation through trips to forefront posts
South Koreans from various circles stint no words in praising Marshal Kim Jong Un who leads the campaign for defending the country to victory with his energetic Songun-based revolutionary leadership.

The south Koreans from all social standings showed their interests at the news of field tour of First Chairman Kim Jong Un, saying that he spares no effort to defend the country through his surprise trips to forefront posts of the KPA.

Experts in military affairs described that KPA Supreme Commander Kim Jong Un, who carried forward the lineage of Mt. Paektu, has led the work of the Party and state as well as the army from long ago, assisting Chairman Kim Jong Il. 

Kim Jong Un visited the commands of 169 and 3,870 units and 671 large combined unit in the wake of his first inspection of a tank unit and affirmed he will adhere to Songun politics, a permanent researcher of the “Our Society Institute” of south Korea wrote in his article.

What is conspicuous in his inspection is that he inspires the army and people through his unexpected inspection tours, experts on Korea commented and expressed their surprise that when he visited forefront posts of Mt. Osong situated in the central front he inspected a post on Kkachil Peak only 350 meters away from a post of the south Korean army, in spite of dissuasion of the commanding personnel.  

They described that Kim Jong Un’s recent inspection of the KPA units aimed at to examine the combat capacity such as training of live-shell firing, dropping and artillery strike is to increase actual war capacity of the units and, at the same time, a solemn warning to Washington and Seoul. 

KPA Supreme Commander Kim Jong Un guided a night training of the paratroops, a tactical drill of KPA Unit 323 and a flight training of KPA Air and Anti-Air Force without previous notice and it is unprecedented in the world that a supreme leader visits military drill ground to guide the course of training, the south Korean mass media said.

It made special mention of his inspection of KPA units situated in the biggest hotspot in the southwest front and forefront posts one after another and noted that it was unheard-of aggressive and daring inspection.

The south Korean papers including The Kyunghyang Daily News and Kookmin Ilbo carried photos of his inspection of the KPA units and posted articles on his inspection, drawing the attention of readers.

His frequent beaming smile when he was inspecting the KPA units implies the victorious conclusion in the face-off between Pyongyang and Washington, Yonhap News stressed.

By the wise leadership of Songun of Supreme Commander Kim Jong Un, who enforces the Songun politics of President Kim Il Sungand Chairman Kim Jong Il, Uncle Sam would sign a paper of surrender, their knees bent. It reflected burning aspiration of a broad spectrum of south Koreans, a professor in Gwangju expressed his belief.

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