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Imperishable Feats for National Reunification

Chairman Kim Jong Il meets with south Korean president Kim Dae-jung
Imperishable Feats for National Reunification
June 15 this year marks the 14th anniversary of the June 15 North-South Joint Declaration.

Chairman Kim Jong Il arranged a north-south summit in Pyongyang in 2000, which led to the adoption of the north-south joint declaration for the first time in the history of national division.

The declaration clarifies the principled issues arising in independently realizing the reunification of the country by pooling efforts of the nation, and the ways of doing so and the whole spectrum of issues arising in achieving the inter-Korean reconciliation and many-sided interchanges and cooperation.

The summit and the declaration were a historic event of weighty significance in accomplishing the cause of the independent reunification of the Korean nation, and the June 15 Joint Declaration is the great program for national reunification all the Koreans should uphold in the new century.

The idea of “By Our Nation Itself“, the keynote of the declaration, is instrumental to shaping out the Korean nation’s destiny and reunifying the country in the new century. It calls for strictly adhering to the principle of independence in the efforts to shape out the nation’s destiny, settling the issue of reunification in a peaceful way, not in a way of war, and promoting the great unity of the nation.

Thanks to the adoption of the declaration, the Korean nation greeted the June 15 era of reunification, the new era of independent reunification, and the inter-Korean ties of distrust and confrontation that had lasted for more than half a century could become those of reconciliation and cooperation that pave the road for national reunification by concerted efforts of the nation.

As part of national reconciliation and cooperation, severed railways and roads were reconnected and air and sea routes opened between the north and the south of Korea. Grand festivals for national reunification took place one after another in Pyongyang and Seoul, ushering in the June 15 era of reunification.

The June 15 era of reunification is a priceless fruit of Kim Jong Il‘s steadfast patriotic will for national reunification and experienced leadership.

He devoted his all to the country’s reunification and the nation’s prosperity, regarding it as his lifetime mission to thoroughly carry out the behests of President Kim Il Sung for national reunification.

Kim Jong Il made painstaking patriotic efforts, indeed, and performed undying feats for the cause of national reunification, dedicating his whole life till the last moments of his great life to present a reunified country to the Koreans.

The feats Kim Jong Il performed for independent national reunification will remain forever in the nation’s history.

Chairman Kim Jong Il‘s cause for national reunification is being successfully carried forward by supreme leader Kim Jong Un, another peerless patriot.

Led by Kim Jong Un, an outstanding illustrious commander and the lodestar of reunification, the final victory for the cause of independent reunification of the Korean nation is certain.

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