South Korean people highly praise Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un, who leads the building of a socialist power to the victory by making world-startling events under the worldwide tribulation, as a great leader of the nation and the world.
The Progressive Federation of Students had the 2nd meeting of study on Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un on July 11 in the wake of last year.
Seven works were issued last year and twenty four works were on display this year.
The south Korean media including Kookmin Ilbo and Choongang Ilbo have a field-day over outstanding leadership and field guidance of the Supreme Leader who have made eye-opening achievements in the building of an economic power and bolstered up the military muscle.
Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un is the great hero of the nation and peerless patriot who defends peace of the Korean Peninsula and brings about the eye-opening changes in the building of a socialist power by neutralizing the vicious sanctions by the imperialist allied forces.