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Rosy future of a reunified nation

South Koreans sing the praises of Marshal Kim Jong Unwho is identical to President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Iland leads the Korean nation to the movement for national reunification and national prosperity with dead certainty.

We are greatly fascinated by his intelligence and humility. We are sure of brilliant prospect of the Sun’s nation. Marshal Kim Jong Un, who is identical with Chairman Kim Jong Il, is the general of Mt. Paektu. As he leads us, we feel secure.

As the sunny image of Chairman Kim Jong Il shines throughout three thousand-ri land of Korea and there is a sagacious leadership of Kim Jong Un, the victory of the cause of national reunification is certain.

The south Koreans expressed their emotion of venerating the Marshal at the helm of the Korean nation.

After hearing the news of the Marshal’s revolutionary activities, they express their feelings that the future of the nation is bright.

 “Watching his movements, we are certain that Supreme Commander Kim Jong Uncarries out the behests of Chairman Kim Jong Il root and branch,” “He is the man of courage making a dash for the goal, standing unfazed despite of all sorts of pressure,” “He is possessed of ultramodern science and technology and a man of decision taking a prompt action if necessary.”

These admirations clearly show how great and fervent the south Koreans’ expectation of and trust in Kim Jong Un, who has unrivaled pluck and superb wisdom unprecedented in the world. are.

The south Koreans speak highly of Kim Jong Un who successfully carries forward the revolutionary cause of Juche and Songun with his great personality, excellent leadership ability and high virtue.

Supreme Commander Kim Jong Un dispirited the US and the western imperialist forces’ scheme to unleash a war and to put an end to imperialism, and streamlined the Juche-based art of war by applying ultramodern technology to it. At the same time, he is a young leader with a steadfast determination and pluck to make the world look up to Kim Il Sung’s and Kim Jong Il’s Korea, a south Korean press described and commented that the broad segments of the people are mesmerized by his unwavering faith and grit.

Now the world is confident about that the north Korean army and people would register brilliant victory under the leadership of Supreme Commander Kim Jong Un. Led by him, prospects of the Korean nation is rosy and a socialist thriving nation and national reunification desired by Chairman Kim Jong Il will be realized without fail, said a south Korean student studying abroad.

A member of pro-reunification body in Busan noted that the single-hearted unity of the north Korean army and people is a great source of invincibility as it is based on the noblest ideology and purest affection and obligation. He continued that the south Koreans picture the future of a reunified nation and the Korean nation through the single-hearted unity north Korea rallied around their leader. By dint of it, north Korea will be highlighted as a world power in the near future. 

Led by the ever-victorious iron-willed brilliant commander, the Korean nation will always emerge victorious and will remain as a proud nation in its history, a literary man noted.

The south Korean’s boundless admirations for Kim Jong Unhave grown deeper and they are positive about that the victory of the cause of independent reunification will be surely realized when they support his noble intention of patriotism and leadership with one mind and purpose.
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