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World Admiration for Great Man

Kim Jong Un delivers a congratulatory speech at the military parade
in celebration of the centenary of the birth of President Kim Il Sung
World Admiration for Great Man

The world people speak with the warmest praise the dear respected Kim Jong Un.
World media vied with each other to carry his photos.

More than 20 000 newspapers, magazines and internet websites carried his photos and documentaries showing his activities since September 28, 2010 when the third conference of the Workers’ Party of Korea was held.

Beijing Daily, Chinese Central TV, NTV of Russia, Public Russian Television, O.R.T., Japan’s Kyoto News, Mainichi Shimbun and other media carried photos of Kim Jong Un present at the third WPK conference and the celebrations of the 65th anniversary of the WPK as well as his photos together with commanding officers of the Korean People’s Army.

Central TV of Iran called Kim Jong Un’s election to the supreme leadership organ of the WPK at its third conference one of major world events in 2010.

The image of KPA Supreme Commander Kim Jong Un making a speech at the military parade in celebration of the centenary of birth of President Kim Il Sung stirred up the world.

Nearly 200 foreign journalists provided the live coverage of the military parade that was held at Kim Il Sung Square.

In just a few days afterwards at least 12 000 media reported his speech as a special news under the titles “Kim Jong Un’s era has started in Korea”, “Leader Kim Jong Un vows inheritance of Songun politics” and “Leader KimJong Un calls for the final victory of Korea”, and hundreds of millions watched him on TV making the speech.

Mongolian and Cambodian newspapers, the internet website of the Socialist Party of Romania and media of a number of other countries carried a photo of Kim Jong Un standing on the tribune of honor at the military parade. They carried the full text or the gist of his speech “Let’s Dynamically Struggle for a Final Victory, Holding Aloft the Banner of Songun“.

The New York Times of the U.S. said his speech demonstrated the ability of the new leadership alive with youthful vigor.

Many observers of the world unanimously estimated that leader Kim Jong Un demonstrated his peculiar attraction and affinity in his personality.

Media of various countries also carried his works The Great Kim Il Sung Is the Eternal Leader of Our Party and Our Peopleand “Let Us Brilliantly Accomplish the Revolutionary Cause of Juche, Holding the Great Comrade Kim Jong Il in High Esteem as the Eternal General Secretary of Our Partytogether with his photos.
Marshal Kim Jong Un’s speech at a banquet in celebration of August 25 also had great impact on the world.

The world media gave wide introduction to his speech “Only Victory and Glory Will Be in Store for Us Who are Advancing under the Unfurled Flag Bearing the Immortal Beaming Images of the Great Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il.
Photos showing the personality of Marshal KimJong Un as a great man is being widely introduced by world media.

CNN lauded Kim Jong Un as one of 10 famous persons and the US magazine Time carried his photo with a special edition in its February, 2012 issue.

Kim Jong Un’s revolutionary activities have now become special news that catches world media attention and the focus of world politics.

The world media are saying that Kim Jong Un will be recorded as a peerless patriot, great hero of the Korean nation in its five-millennia history, adding that Korea will greet golden days as it is led by him.

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