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Dawn of a reunified nation

Now the Korean nation’s movement for national reunification makes an unremitting progress without the slightest vacillation despite of vicious attempts of the anti-reunification elements within and without. It is thanks to Marshal Kim Jong Un, another illustrious commander of Songun, that the cause of Korea’s reunification is making a steady progress and the mood for achieving national reunification is getting higher on a nationwide scale in twists and turns of history

 We should staunchly safeguard and add brilliance to the undying exploits the great Generalissimos performed for the sacred cause of national reunification, and accomplish the historic cause of the country’s reunification, a long-cherished desire of our nation, true to the lofty intention of the peerlessly great persons.

This is a paragraph from Kim Jong Un’s New Year Address for 2013.

It is the unshakable faith of Marshal Kim Jong Unto build a strongest country in the world on this land as soon as possible true to the noble desire of President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il. With the ardent conviction, he makes continuous tours of the Songun-based revolutionary leadership, holding fast to the red flag of the revolution being associated with lifetime of the President and the Chairman.  

He inspected the Seoul Ryu Kyong Su 105 Guards Tank Division of the KPA being associated with the immortal guidance of the President and the Chairman on the morning of New Year Juche 101 (2012). His photograph with his arms in arms and shoulder to shoulder with officers and tankmen gave a glimpse of his inflexible will to carry through the Songun revolution true to the intentions of the President and the Chairman. His volition reflected through Panmunjom, the foremost base of confrontation, and a small wooden boat heading for an islet-defending post at the hottest spots.

He sat together with the KPA officers in August last year on the occasion of the 52ndanniversary of Chairman Kim Jong Il’s start of the Songun-based revolutionary leadership. At that time, the US and its followers were conducting “Ulchi Freedom Guardian” joint military drill with the involvement of huge troops and war hardware.

It is the unshakable determination and will of our Party to defend the security of the country and the gains of the revolution and build on this land a reunified and thriving country, grasping more firmly the arms of Songun Generalissimo Kim Jong Il provided with much effort through his lifelong Songun-based revolutionary leadership.

If another undesirable war breaks out on this land as a consequence of the unpardonable actions of the United States and its south Korean puppets, they will sustain an ignominious defeat in the war and our great nation will greet a bright dawn of their reunification, he stressed.

Only victory and glory are in store for us who are advancing under the unfurled flag bearing the immortal beaming images of the great Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il. His speech instilled rosy future of the Korean nation and national reunification into all the fellow countrymen.

A great man inaugurates a new era by adorning the history.

Led by Kim Jong Un, Korea, which had been a theater of wrangling among the imperialists, has now been turned into a most dignified political and military power and the Korean nation’s movement for independent reunification is making a dynamic progress for the final victory.

 “First Chairman Kim Jong Un is revered as a worldwide leader for he never shows submission to all sorts of pressure of the foreign forces and takes tougher stance against Washington one after another.” “He is the man of strong in faith and will, undaunted by anything.”

 “Watching his movements, we are certain that Supreme Commander Kim Jong Un carries out the instructions of Chairman Kim Jong Ilto the letter.”

These admirations reflected the south Koreans’ belief that led by Kim Jong Un history of victory of Songun Korea is eternal and the future of the Korean nation is rosier.

Kim Jong Un represents the dignity and destiny of the Korean nation and bright future of a reunified power.

The Korean nation would build a prosperous, reunified country on this land without fail by waging a vigorous drive to reunify the country true to the patriotic intention and leadership of Kim Jong Un.
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