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December 24, 1991-succession to the cause of arms

Kim Jong Il, permanent Chairman of the DPRK National Defense Commission

December 24, 1991-succession to the cause of arms

A great political earthquake rocked the world at the end of 1990s. Socialism, ideal of humankind, met with desperate challenge of imperialism. Socialism was dismantled in former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. 
The anti-socialist campaign caused by the imperialists and modern revisionists and social democrats produced a serious effect on the unsettled world politics. Many people felt uneasy about socialism. Doubt and unrest were prevalent in the international communist movement. The imperialists and their advocates widely advertised “victory” of capitalism and the “end” of socialism. 
A strong military strength should be consolidated to fight against imperialism in order to defend and advance the people-centered socialism from vicious challenge of the imperialists and reactionaries. 
President Kim Il Sung, a peerless great man in the 20th century, regarded a decisive factor in victory of showdown with the US is a successful solution to leadership able to lead the Korean People’s Army as an invincible one. He deemed that it is time to transfer commandership of the KPA to Kim Jong Il, a military genius. 
A brilliant commander like Kim Jong Il should lead the invincible KPA in order to demonstrate its mightiness.  
In response to historic requirement, President Kim Il Sung made a firm resolution to transfer his supreme commandership of the KPA to Kim Jong Il. 
A resolution was adopted at the 19th Plenary Meeting of the 6th WPK Central Committee held on December 24, 1991 to elect Kim Jong Il as the supreme commander of the KPA at the proposal of President Kim Il Sung.
The day was a historic one that the cause of succession to Songun was declared.
Kim Jong Il made a vow to accomplish the cause of military building started by the President, true to Juche-oriented military idea and line of the President. 
On the historic meaning of his supreme commandership, the President said that it is a high appreciation of his disposition and revolutionary feats and, at the same time, it is a firm manifestation of the Workers’ Party of Korea and the Korean people to accomplish the revolutionary cause of Juche under the leadership of Kim Jong Il.
It was a unanimous wish of the Korean servicemen and people from long time ago that to hold him on the highest post of the revolutionary armed forces. 
Kim Jong Il was a military genius and ever-victorious iron-willed commander who performed undying contributions to the cause of Juche-oriented military building with his outstanding military quality and disposition. He demonstrated unrivalled military wisdom, tactics, matchless courage, iron-willed will, and tested commandership in the course of leading the revolution, construction and military building. 
His military wisdom and disposition served as a firm guarantee for consolidation of the revolutionary armed forces and main factor enabling win victory in acute military showdown with the US.
The DPRK army and people ardently wished to hold him on the post of the revolutionary armed forces, highly praising him as an outstanding military genius, prominent military strategist and iron-willed commander.  
Reflecting the desire, a resolution were adopted to elect him as the member of the Central Military Commission of the WPK in October Juche 69 (1980) at the Sixth Congress of the Workers’ Party of Korea and assign the first-vice chairman of the DPRK National Defense Commission at the First Session of the Ninth Supreme People’s Assembly in May Juche 79 (1990). This was a historic one with great significance in the building of revolutionary armed forces. The event effected a new change in the work of building of revolutionary armed forces and national defense. 
December 24th is the birth anniversary of Kim Jong Suk, an anti-Japanese heroine.
President Kim Il Sung transferred his supreme commandership to Kim Jong Il in the birthday of Kim Jong Suk, reflecting her desire to succeed the revolutionary cause of Mt. Paektu.   
His supreme commandership was a historic event that gave glory to prospects of the revolutionary cause of Juche, Korean army and nation.  
The day is remembered as a historic day that performed decisive contributions to the global cause of independence against imperialism and development of socialism, peace and mankind.

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