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Demand of withdrawal of hostile policy toward the north, condemnation of humiliating deplomacy

 The National Reserve Committee for Independence, Democracy and Reunification released a manifesto in demand of withdrawal of hostile policy of the US toward the north the other day.

It is important for the US to permanently stop joint military drill with south Korea, dissolve the triple alliance of the US, south Korea and Japan, and not pressure to buy cutting-edge weapon through practices, not with words, in order to talk with the north, the manifesto stressed.

It went on to say that the US has to withdraw hostile policy toward the north before dealing with dialogue and diplomatic negotiation with the north.

It signified its intention of unveiling deceitfulness of the US through various kinds of campaign including sit-down, on-line and one-man demonstration in demanding withdrawal of hostile policy toward the north in future.

Meanwhile, broad segments of the people censure the south Korean authorities for pushing forward with the declaration of the termination of the war.

The authorities are left to the tender mercies of the US to move forward with the declaration of the termination of the war, they explain its necessity to several countries, it is the height folly to do such things, an analyst in Seoul and a researcher in Gwangju criticized.

If the present authorities keep resorting to the declaration of the termination of the war, they are bound to expose themselves to public disgrace, the press comments.

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