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Disturbance of peace and security

Of late, the south Korean military authorities are busy with development of advanced weaponry and arms buildup in order to get rid of their military inferiority caused by the DPRK’s strong military muscle.

The operational report of the Ministry of Defense of south Korea for 2021 stressed the enhancement of surveillance and alarm system of unmanned reconnaissance plane to be used in the corps and divisions of the south Korean army to cope with threat from the DPRK’s ballistic rockets. The report specified the continuous reinforcement of war potential including detection of missiles. 

They are going to form “smart division” in the army, “smart naval port” in the navy and “smart wing” in the air force in order to bolster up the military strength with high technology. They also put spurs to modernization of conventional weapons.

They are going to make a light aircraft carrier to deter “provocation” of the DPRK and build a nuclear-powered submarine with the help of the US.

It is a manifestation of the military authorities atremble with anxiety and fear by the powerful military muscle of the DPRK. At the same time, it is a grave military provocation wrecking peace and security of the Korean Peninsula. 

Broad segments of south Koreans express their objection to the south Korean military’s plan for arms buildup and launch campaign for peace against war. 

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