Enlarged plenary meetings of Pyongyang Municipal and all provincial committees of the Workers’ Party of Korea were held from January 10 to 13.
Members of the Presidium of the Political Bureau of the WPK Central Committee and members and alternate members of the Political Bureau of the WPK Central Committee guided the plenary meetings respectively.
The plenary meetings were attended by members and alternate members of the provincial Party committees. Officials of the Party and power organs and administrative and economic bodies in the relevant regions were present there as observers.
The plenary meetings analyzed and reviewed in a comprehensive and anatomic manner the last year’s work in regions and seriously discussed and decided the measures for strictly carrying out the policy-oriented tasks for provinces this year on the basis of the fighting guidelines set forth at the Sixth Plenary Meeting of the Eighth Party Central Committee.
Reports were made at the plenary meetings, which were followed by speeches.
Consultative meetings of panels were held at the plenary meetings of the provincial Party committees in order to work out plans for thoroughly carrying out the policy-oriented tasks facing their regions, based on the orientation of advance and struggle strategy for this year set forth at the plenary meeting of the Party Central Committee.
Resolutions mapped out from the sincere and dynamic standpoints of the participants, who were determined to make precious achievements in their regions, sectors and units, were unanimously approved at the plenary meetings.