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Father of People

Supreme leader Kim Jong Un delivers

a congratulatory speech at parade for WPK’s 70th birthday
Father of People
The world is seething.

An echo of love captured the minds of human kind.

 “Let us all make selfless, devoted efforts for the good of the great people.”

Hearing the speech of supreme leader Kim Jong Un at military parade and public procession of Pyongyang citizens to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the foundation of the WPK, the people were moved to tears and excited with the passion throughout the country.

In the world, there are a lot of leaders who insist that they serve the people.

But those hypocrites exploit the people, while advertising that they are doing “for the good of the people”.

How many devilish crowned heads are recorded in history?

They advertise the capitalist society as an all-people-equal society.

But, it is Eden for the tiny handful of the rich but the majority of the people desire to leave there even by committing suicide.

It is general fact in the world that the people sacrifice for the president who was elected by them.

However, he conducts state affairs only for the good of the people and regards them as heaven.

In his speech he said that the party and state exist for and by the people. This is the words flowing out of his heart.

As a son of the people, he spends his time by devoting to them and his labors bring forth the people’s happiness.

He opens up the way toward a thriving nation in which the people enjoy a happy life.

The brilliant fruitions of love for the people by the supreme leader; Mirae Scientists Street, Pyongyang Rest Home, rural city-Jangchon Vegetable Co-op Farm

The supreme leader calls the people “my people” and they call him “our leader”; the inseparable blood ties tell a harmonious family of socialism and people’s country.

There are too many places called by the “people” in the DPRK, the world is heard in a simple way and the people are ordinary people to be seen everywhere.

They are the members of a harmonious family upholding the supreme leader as the great father. It made possible for them to be the great people the world people admire.  

The father of people!

Supreme leader Kim Jong Un loves the calling best.

He will continue to go among the people for them.

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