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Historic May

The 7th Congress of the Workers’ Party of Korea was held in Pyongyang in May 2016.

Supreme leader Kim Jong Un was elected as Chairman of the WPK in the congress.

The election created a great jubilation among the Korean nation and the world progressives. The world people fully realized that, under the wise leadership of the supreme leader, the ever-victorious history of the WPK and Korean people will last forever.

Despite the world reactionaries’ frantic maneuvers of isolation and strangulation, the DPRK is winning victory after victory keeping up the banner of independence. It is entirely attributable to the supreme leader who leads the revolution and construction.

He builds a paradise for people and holds the dearest the safety, dignity and happiness of them. His noble idea is the popular policy of the WPK and it provides the people with a happy life. Every edifice for the people is a brilliant fruition of his unlimited benevolence and he continues the road of devotion to the people throughout the country. He also inspected numerous front-line posts to safeguard the happy life of the people. It is the greatest fortune for the Korean people to uphold such a great person as the Chairman of the WPK.

In the DPRK, centered on the great leader, the leader, the Party and the masses have formed a socio-political organism. The power of this integrated whole makes miracles in all spheres.

The DPRK people have bright future and the enemies are destined to fall like the setting sun.

The south Korean people from all walks of life highly praise that, after the historic May, the new era of victory and prosperous was opened up in the national history. They harden their determination to put great efforts to reunify the country under the wise leadership of supreme leader Kim Jong Un for building a new people’s paradise in the hellish south Korea.

No force in the world can damp the DPRK people who are united single-heartedly around the leader.

Only victory and glory are in store for the DPRK and the congress in historic May 2016 will be recorded as the great event of independent era.
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