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Joint Conference of DPRK Government, Political Parties and Organizations Held

    A joint conference of the government, political parties and organizations of the DPRK took place at the People’s Palace of Culture on January 23.

Present there were Yang Hyong Sop, Kim Yong Chol and Ro Tu Chol, the chairman of a friendly party, officials of public organizations, members of the North Side Committee for Implementing June 15 Joint Declaration, the north headquarters of the Pan-National Alliance for Korea’s Reunification and the Pan-National Alliance of Youth and Students for Korea’s Reunification and the Consultative Council for National Reconciliation, and representatives of the government, political parties and organizations of the DPRK.
The conference discussed the tasks of the government, political parties and organizations of the DPRK for carrying through the tasks for national reunification set forth by Supreme Leader Comrade Kim Jong Un in his historic New Year Address.
Yang Hyong Sop, vice-president of the Presidium of the Supreme People’s Assembly of the DPRK, made a report to be followed by speeches.

The reporter and speakers stressed that the principled stand and proposal for developing the north-south relations and ensuring a lasting and durable peace of the Korean peninsula and the ways for realizing them set forth by Kim Jong Un in his New Year Address are the highly important guidelines which reflect most correctly the aspirations and desires of the Koreans and the requirement of the times.
They said that dramatic events unprecedented in the history of national division were brought about by Kim Jong Un‘s bold decision, calling for turning out as one in the struggle to carry through the north-south declarations with the last year’s precious successes as a springboard and making a greater progress in accomplishing the cause of national reunification.
They called on all the Koreans in the north, the south and abroad to respond to the patriotic appeal of Kim Jong Un with nationwide advance to thoroughly implement the north-south declarations and thus glorify this year as a historic one in which another epoch-making turn is brought about in the journey for the development of north-south relations and peace and prosperity.
An appeal to all the Koreans was adopted at the joint conference.
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