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Probe the true picture of Kanto massacre!

 Shortly ago, a promotion committee for the memorial service of the 100th anniversary of Kanto massacre was inaugurated in Seoul.

Participated there were 40-odd civic organizations including the Joint Action for Solution to the Issue of Victims of Forcible Drafting and for the Japanese Past Liquidation, and the Justice Solidarity for Settling the Issue of Sexual Slavery for the Imperial Japanese Army.

The participants censured that Japan is going to keep its past crimes under the carpet of history and employ all sorts of shameless tricks to evade the responsibility far from a close examination of the truth, saying that “over 100 years have passed without knowing who the innocent victims are, and where their remains are buried and whereabouts of bereaved families.”

The promotion committee announced a plan to push ahead with its activities including “enactment of special law”, “opening of international forum, and special and itinerary exhibition for the revelation of the massacre.”

Moreover, it stressed that the Japanese authorities are accountable and the honor of victims who met miserable death should be reinstated by making a strict investigation into it.


Inaugural ceremony of the promotion committee for the memorial service in denunciation of genocide committed by Japan

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