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Pyongyang Mass Rally Held

Pyongyang citizens got together at Kim Il Sung Square on January 4 to resolve to thoroughly implement the important tasks Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un set forth in his New Year Address.
The platform was taken by Premier Pak Pong Ju, member of the Presidium of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea and vice-chairman of the DPRK State Affairs Commission; O Su Yong, An Jong Su, Ro Tu Chol, Choe Hwi, Pak Thae Dok who are senior officials of the Party and the government; vice-premiers of the Cabinet, officials from Party and government organs, industrial establishments and cooperative farms and labour innovators in Pyongyang.
Kim Nung O, alternate member of the Political Bureau of the WPK Central Committee and chairman of the Pyongyang Municipal Committee of the WPK, made a report.
He said that Kim Jong Un’s New Year Address inspires the Korean people with confidence in and optimism for a brighter future of socialism and serves as a militant banner indicating the road for bringing about a revolutionary upsurge on all fronts of socialist construction.

He stressed the need for all participants to rally closer behind the great Party and make vigorous efforts for the prosperity of the socialist country holding high the blueprint unfolded by the Supreme Leader in his New Year Address.
He was followed by speakers.
A resolution was adopted there.

After the rally, the participants marched past the square in process

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