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Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un and President Moon Jae In Sign September Pyongyang Joint Declaration

Chairman of the State Affairs Commission of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Kim Jong Un together with President of the Republic of Korea Moon Jae In signed the “September Pyongyang Joint Declaration” on Wednesday.

The full text of the declaration reads:

Chairman of the State Affairs Commission of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Kim Jong Un and President of the Republic of Korea Moon Jae In held a north-south summit in Pyongyang from September 18 to 20, 2018.

The top leaders estimated that after the historic Panmunjom declaration, wonderful achievements were witnessed such as close dialogue, negotiations between the authorities of the north and the south, multi-lateral NGO exchanges and cooperation and important measures for the detente of military tension.

They reconfirmed the principles of national independence and national self-determination and agreed to develop the north-south ties in an consistent and sustained way for national reconciliation, cooperation and solid peace and common prosperity, and also agreed to strive to provide policy guarantee for the realization of the desire and wish of all the fellow countrymen to see the present improvement of the north-south ties leading to reunification.

They had a frank and in-depth discussion of all issues and practical measures for advancing the north-south ties onto a new high stage through the thorough-going implementation of the Panmunjom declaration, and shared the understanding that the Pyongyang summit would mark an important turning point in history before declaring as follows:

1. The north and the south committed to lead the termination of military hostility in the confrontation area including the Demilitarized Zone to the fundamental removal of the substantial danger of war and hostility in the whole of the Korean peninsula.

① The north and the south agreed to adopt “military agreement to implement Panmunjom declaration” concluded in the period of the Pyongyang summit as an annex agreement, thoroughly preserve and sincerely implement it and take active practical measures to make the Korean peninsula a constant peace zone.

② The north and the south agreed to put in earlier motion the north-south joint military committee, examine the implementation of the military agreement and have constant contacts and discussion for the prevention of accidental armed clashes.

2. The north and the south agreed to take practical measures to further increase exchanges and cooperation and to develop the nation’s economy in a balanced way on the principle of mutual benefits and common interests and prosperity.

① The north and the south agreed to hold ground-breaking ceremony for reconnecting severed railways and roads on the eastern and western coasts and modernizing them before the end of 2018.

② The north and the south agreed to normalize the operations of the Kaesong Industrial Complex and Mt. Kumgang tourism project, to begin with, if the conditions are met and hold consultations on the formation of the West Sea joint special economic zone and the East Sea joint special tourism zone.

③ The north and the south agreed to actively promote the north-south environmental cooperation for the protection and restoration of the natural eco-system and to make efforts for the practical results of the cooperation in the forestry field now underway, to begin with.

④ The north and the south agreed to strengthen cooperation in the field of infectious-disease control and public health including emergency measures for the prevention of inflow and spread of infectious diseases.

3. The north and the south agreed to further strengthen humanitarian cooperation for the fundamental settlement of the issue of separated families and relatives.

① The north and the south agreed to open as early as possible the reunion venue in the Mt. Kumgang area and to restore the facilities there at an earliest possible date to this end.

② The north and the south agreed to discuss and settle on a priority basis the issue of video meeting and exchange of image letters between separated families and relatives through the Red Cross talks.

4. The north and the south agreed to actively promote cooperation and exchanges in various fields to give momentum to the atmosphere of reconciliation and unity and to demonstrate at home and abroad the stamina of the Korean nation.

① The north and the south agreed to further boost exchange in the field of culture and arts and to ensure the Pyongyang art troupe’s performance in Seoul within October, as the first thing.

② The north and the south agreed to make active joint advance into international games including 2020 Summer Olympics and to cooperate to consider a north-south joint bid to host the 2032 Summer Olympics.

③ The north and the south agreed to hold significant events to meaningfully commemorate the 11th anniversary of the October 4 declaration and to jointly commemorate the centenary of the March First Popular Uprising and to discuss technical ways for them.

5. The north and the south shared the view to make the Korean peninsula a peace zone free from nuclear weapons and nuclear threat and to ensure necessary practical advance early to this end.

① The north side agreed to permanently shut down Tongchang-ri engine test ground and rocket launch pad with the participation of experts from related countries, to begin with.

② The north side expressed its willingness to continue with additional steps such as the permanent destruction of the Nyongbyon nuclear facility if the United States takes corresponding actions in line with the spirit of the June 12 DPRK-U.S. joint statement.

③ The north and the south agreed to closely cooperate in the course of pushing forward the complete denuclearization of the Korean peninsula.

6. Chairman of the State Affairs Commission Kim Jong Un agreed to visit Seoul in the near future at the invitation of President Moon Jae In.

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