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The eleventh round of all-people candlelight rally

The 11th all-people action for the ouster of the Park Geun-hye regime was staged across south Korea on Jan. 7 under the sponsorship of the People’s Emergency Action for Resignation of the Park Geun-hye Regime with more than 645 000 people of all strata involved.
The rally was held ahead of 1 000 days since the ferry Sewol tragedy to demand resignation of Park and impartial investigation into sunken ferry Sewol.
At least 600 000 people conducted a candlelight action in Seoul.

The bereaved families and people of various circles put at least three hundred life vests on the ground symbolizing victims of the ferrySewol and paid a silent tribute to the victims amid boat whistle.
They noted that Park should resign and a thoroughgoing investigation into the ferry Sewol tragedy should be made and stressed that they would stage candlelit rally until Park leaves office. 
A candlelight rally took place at Gwanghwamun Plaza.
After the rally, the bereaved families carrying portraits of their dead children and people of every degree marched towards the Blue House, the official residence of the prime minister and the “Constitutional Court”.    
Marching along the streets, they strongly demanded the impartial investigation into the ferry Sewol tragedy, resignation of Park and prime minister Hwang and early decision of impeachment on Park by the “Constitutional Court”.  

Similar actions were staged in Gwangju and different parts of south Korea.
They marched along the streets chanting slogans demanding Park’s resignation, adding that the government has not taken measure for salvage of sunken ferry, the probe into the ferry tragedy and punishment of those responsible for it.
Now the south Korean people are waging an uninterrupted action to punish Park through massive resistance in the face of biting cold.    
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